Mahabharat Star Plus Krishna

Mahabharat (Star Plus) – All Episodes [1 – 267]

[UPDATE] New Download Utility skdmrk-df.jar v1.0 Dated: 07/01/2023

I have added 2 (two) set of links now, please try s1 first and if you see error then try s2

We have been watching the latest rendition of Mahabharat by Start Plus as well, and it’s pretty impressive to say the least. Finding HD links and downloading all the episodes was a not-so-simple process and knowing how beneficial it can be watching and learning from Mahabharat too, I thought of finding an easy way to track them and collate them. There are links available all over the internet for the episodes, I have updated my Java program to dynamically track these URL’s and allow you to access them 😉

You will need couple of tools to run this Java program:

  1. 7Zip – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.
  2. Java – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.

Process is pretty straight forward but if you need some guidance then you can use the steps below:

Step 1: Download file (Right Click on the Link and select “Save Link As”) from here or above. Once downloaded extract it to get single skdmrk-df.jar file.

7Zip Extract

Step 2: Open CMD window to run the Java program. Enter DOS prompt from START MENU or in Windows (SHIFT + Right Mouse Click) (see snapshot below), if on Linux/Mac (CTRL + ALT + T) then start Terminal.

Step 3: Once in the CMD window, execute the program based on the instructions as below:

Please see instructions as below:

  d : Download DKDM
  m : Download Mahabharat
 s1 : Download from Server # 1
 s2 : Download from Server # 2
  x : Download Episode # x
x-y : Download Episodes from x to y 

Usage Example:

Download all MB Episodes from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1
Download all MB Episodes from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 10
Download MB Episodes # 10 till 100 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10-100

Below you see the output if you don't specify any parameters:

Below command will download all episodes for MB from Server # 1. If you get an error, please try couple of times before switching to Server # 2.

Also, you may see the video below for step-by-step guide.

If you see any downloaded file with extension as .Z01, .Z02 and so on, then don’t worry, look for a file with same name but ending with .zip extension. Right click on it and select “Extract Here”, as below:

Download Size ~ 50+ GB

Disclaimer: None of the video are hosted by me, I have simply collated URLs for all videos available on the public domain and presented on this page. I am not responsible for the content and quality of these videos. Thanks.

154 videos
622 subscribers

There are 2,536 comments

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      • Sreeja

        Hey Akhil…I’m having some trouble downloading the videos…I only need videos 262-263…so I typed the following into the DOS screen…

        java -jar df.jar MAHABHARAT.txt C:\Data-DIYA\New Downloaded\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0\Mahabharat Trial

        But the downloads are still not working… 🙁
        Please advice!

        • Akhil Pathania

          Hi Sreeja,

          You need to give path within double quotes since you have blank spaces within folder names i.e. java -jar df.jar MAHABHARAT.txt “C:\Data-DIYA\New Downloaded\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0\Mahabharat Trial” 262-263

        • Drashti Bagadia

          Hi. I am unable to download the episodes. I followed everything from the video. This is what I keep getting. Please help me. please.

          C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>java -jar df.jar Mahabharat.txt C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0\Mahabharat
          Either just enter Episode No i.e. 10 or Episode Range i.e. 10-20

          C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0> 10
          ’10’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
          operable program or batch file.

          C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>10
          ’10’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
          operable program or batch file.

          C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>1-10
          ‘1-10’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
          operable program or batch file.

          C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>java -jar JAR-FILE TXT-FILE DOWNLOAD-FOLDER 1-250
          Error: Unable to access jarfile JAR-FILE

          C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>java -jar JAR-FILE TXT-FILE DOWNLOAD-FOLDER 10
          Error: Unable to access jarfile JAR-FILE

          C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>java -jar JAR-FILE TXT-FILE DOWNLOAD-FOLDER
          Error: Unable to access jarfile JAR-FILE

          C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>

          • Akhil Pathania

            Hi Drashti,

            Try this: C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>java -jar df.jar Mahabharat.txt “C:\Users\Drashti Bagadia\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0\Mahabharat”

          • Michael

            Hey Akhil, I am getting the same error… “Either just enter Episode No i.e. 10 or Episode Range i.e. 10-20”. When I try putting DOWNLOAD-FOLDER 1-10, I get a JSON error.

            java -jar df.jar MAHABHARAT.txt DOWNLOAD-FOLDER 1-10 /Mac HD/Users/myUsername/Documents/Mahabharat


            The original java -jar df.jar MAHABHARAT.txt /Mac HD/Users/myUsername/Documents/Mahabharat

            returns error: “Either just enter Episode No i.e. 10 or Episode Range i.e. 10-20”.

            Any advise?

          • Ashish

            HI Sir,

            Even after opening command prompt as admin, it still gives the same error that unable to access jarfile JAR-FILE.


          • Akhil Pathania

            Hi Ashish,

            Please share the following information with me (on facebook page for faster response):
            1. Complete path of the folder where you have extracted the zip file
            2. Complete path of the folder where you are going to save the videos
            3. Command you are trying to execute

          • Dharmik

            java -jar df.jar MAHABHARAT.txt C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0\Mahabharat 5

            Either just enter Episode No i.e. 10 or Episode Range i.e. 10-20

      • LALA

        HY BOSS,

        i downloaded 6 episodes then my internet connection is broken when i started again then it started from 1 again.
        i removed first 6 links from that text then it’s showing error every time.
        i also tried to enter episode no but it’s not working.
        will you please tell me how i can download this from 6 onward or if broken again how i can start from any episode.


      • Arvind Yadav

        Hello Sir,
        I Want To Download All Parts Of Mahabharat In My Android Phone But I am Unable to download it.
        Please Provide Me Suitable Link To Download All Parts.
        Arvind Yadav

    • Vishal Prajapati

      I am unable to download any episodes. Please see following errors.

      D:\Mahabharat\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0>java -jar df.jar mahabharat.txt d:\mahabharat
      org.json.JSONException: A JSONObject text must begin with ‘{‘ at 1 [character 2 line 1]
      at org.json.JSONTokener.syntaxError(
      at org.json.JSONObject.(
      at org.json.JSONObject.(

  1. nahrin

    thanku so much for the vdos..i hav been searching them for a long time but cudnt get any i got lucky and finally got this website..u dont know what a big fan i am of Mahavarat..god bless u.

  2. Mohit

    Hello Akhil,, Please tell me how to download all the episodes at once. I am not able to download it. It says
    java -jar C:\\df.jar C:\\MAHABHARAT.txt

    which is file?? Plz xplain

  3. Satish

    Thanks dear,

    I have created a folder in C drive named Mahabharata. Downloaded and extracted it to folder Mahabharata. But when i run this command in command prompt, I get this error : “Windows cannot find java make sure you typed the name correctly”

  4. Sam

    Hello Akhil,

    When I am trying to run df.jar it is giving me error message main class not found. can you please give me detail ms dos code (I am using Win 7)


  5. SV


    Thank you so much for uploading the original Mahabharath (Hindi version). Wish it had English subtitles for people like my son and grand kids. I was scouring the internet and either Star Plus/Hot Star/whatever mentioned that Mahabharath cannot be viewed in my area. You’ve done us all a great service!

  6. Maharshi

    Can you please help when ever i try to download it says:
    C:\Users\Maharshi>java -jar C:\Users\Maharshi\Desktop\Mahabharat\df.jar C:\Users\Maharshi\Desktop\Mahabharat\MAHABHARAT.txt
    Downloading File:
    File Size = 165 mb
    File Name = Episode-2.mp4
    [ ]
    ERROR Downloading

    its stuck their could you help me plz

      • Rahul

        I want mahabharat 207 to 267
        Plz sent me the download links.
        I love to see mahabaharat .
        Pls sent me thanks.

          • Kinj

            Hi Akhil,

            I tried downloading the videos on Feb 16, 2019 but its not able to connect the server it seems. It continuously runs some scripts mentioning org.json.jsonException: A JSONObject text must begin with ‘{‘ at 1 [character 2 line 1] and then some messages pertaining to Java. My Java version is correct as I could download Episode#1 but then it stopped. Would you be able to help me?

  7. deepak

    can u make a small video on how to download all episodes at once I try but didn’t work or write every single step in order thank you

  8. Aditya

    A great thank Akhil

    I live here in England, and have been trying since last year to get these episodes, however for some unknown
    reasons i couldnt find it anywhere. This post of yours has really been a boon for me.

    Koti Koti dhanyawaad aaryaputra 🙂

    Just a small request – I live here in a village and thus we have very ugly bandwidth ( around 4Mbps ), i have already
    put the files for download, but in case if i couldnt – would be able to send me these through any other medium ..on
    a usb or may be through a file server. I knnow i have been asking for a lot – but if u could – I would be very thankful.



      • sunil shrimali

        when i try to download 10 episodes 49-58 then its shows this error
        org.json.JSONException: A JSONObject text must begin with ‘{‘ at 1 [character 2 line 1]
        at org.json.JSONTokener.syntaxError(
        at org.json.JSONObject.(
        at org.json.JSONObject.(

  9. Arijit Das

    Thanks a lot Sir.

    I more request.
    Could we get these videos in 720p or upper resolution?

    These are being pixelet while playing on our home led TV of 36 inches.
    Any way again Thousands of thanks.

  10. yansu

    Thank you friend,,, I hope i also could get the english subtitle. It will be helpful if you can inform me if there are subtitles for the series. Once again thank you for your kindness.


  11. Pushkar Singh Pawar

    kash ye sb link torrent m hote ……. yaha se dwnld to ho rahe hn bt galti se bhi light chli jaye ya net dissconnect ho jaye to fir dubara dwnld karo……

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Pushkar,

      I know man but cannot help you with that. You can edit the .txt file delete all the episode that have been download when the light goes off and the .jar file will start from where it left.

  12. Kirti

    I cant thank you enough for uploading these episodes……May Krishna bless you abundantly…..however I am not very tech savvy so will just ejoy watching the episodes here

  13. Bhavesh


    I was looking for the virat swaroop episode for ages since it was telecasted and now have finally found it here. Glad to know sir, you are doing a great job to our mankind.

    Thank you once again, God Bless!!

      • Swati Varshney

        Hi I am unable to download files it says
        PS C:\Users\svarshney\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0\Mahabharat> java -jar df.jar Mahabharat.txt “C:\Users\svarshney\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT_v2.0”
        java : The term ‘java’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check
        the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
        At line:1 char:1
        + java -jar df.jar Mahabharat.txt “C:\Users\svarshney\Downloads\df_MAHA …
        + ~~~~
        + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (java:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

        Can you help thanks

  14. bhushan desale

    hey thanks for putting these videos….it was very easy to download…i m big fan of mahabharat series ..karna is my fav…anyways god bless you for your work

  15. Rishi Ashar

    I am not able to download at once. I extracted the zip, created the folder “c:\mahabharat” and than run the jar file but nothing is happening

  16. Sunil

    Hello sir
    I watch and dowenload full mahabhat but problam is last sires not comming like 1 to 7 ok
    But episode 8 not comming
    Then 9 to 15 ok
    But 16 not comming
    Means last line not comming so please help me
    Sunil patil

  17. Saurabh Pandey

    thank you very much for these full episodes.. I hope lord Krishna bless you…. I had been searching these episodes from 1 year………….

          • santosh kumar

            hi can u let me know completely…………. how to get a path of Find the exact path for the JAR & TXT files. Ex: and download file path in linux (it would be kind if u give some brief examples………… thanking you santosh kumar

          • Akhil Pathania

            Hi Santosh,

            Use the PWD command:

            In Unix-like and some other operating systems, the pwd command (print working directory) writes the full pathname of the current working directory to the standard output. The command is a shell builtin in most Unix shells such as Bourne shell, ash, bash, ksh, and zsh

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