Mahabharat Star Plus Krishna

Mahabharat (Star Plus) – All Episodes [1 – 267]

[UPDATE] New Download Utility skdmrk-df.jar v1.0 Dated: 07/01/2023

I have added 2 (two) set of links now, please try s1 first and if you see error then try s2

We have been watching the latest rendition of Mahabharat by Start Plus as well, and it’s pretty impressive to say the least. Finding HD links and downloading all the episodes was a not-so-simple process and knowing how beneficial it can be watching and learning from Mahabharat too, I thought of finding an easy way to track them and collate them. There are links available all over the internet for the episodes, I have updated my Java program to dynamically track these URL’s and allow you to access them 😉

You will need couple of tools to run this Java program:

  1. 7Zip – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.
  2. Java – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.

Process is pretty straight forward but if you need some guidance then you can use the steps below:

Step 1: Download file (Right Click on the Link and select “Save Link As”) from here or above. Once downloaded extract it to get single skdmrk-df.jar file.

7Zip Extract

Step 2: Open CMD window to run the Java program. Enter DOS prompt from START MENU or in Windows (SHIFT + Right Mouse Click) (see snapshot below), if on Linux/Mac (CTRL + ALT + T) then start Terminal.

Step 3: Once in the CMD window, execute the program based on the instructions as below:

Please see instructions as below:

  d : Download DKDM
  m : Download Mahabharat
 s1 : Download from Server # 1
 s2 : Download from Server # 2
  x : Download Episode # x
x-y : Download Episodes from x to y 

Usage Example:

Download all MB Episodes from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1
Download all MB Episodes from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 10
Download MB Episodes # 10 till 100 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10-100

Below you see the output if you don't specify any parameters:

Below command will download all episodes for MB from Server # 1. If you get an error, please try couple of times before switching to Server # 2.

Also, you may see the video below for step-by-step guide.

If you see any downloaded file with extension as .Z01, .Z02 and so on, then don’t worry, look for a file with same name but ending with .zip extension. Right click on it and select “Extract Here”, as below:

Download Size ~ 50+ GB

Disclaimer: None of the video are hosted by me, I have simply collated URLs for all videos available on the public domain and presented on this page. I am not responsible for the content and quality of these videos. Thanks.

154 videos
622 subscribers

There are 2,536 comments

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  1. shri

    actully my internet is little slow and i face the problm of buffring …………and there is no option to change video quality

  2. Sri

    Episode – 91. Would anyone please let me know the 5th baseline for Dharma? Sorry I could not catch properly.

    1. Gyan, 2. Prem, 3 Nyay, 4, Samarpan, 5. ????

  3. Krishna kirti

    Hi……I just wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for uploading all these episodes…….may Lord Krishna shower his choicest blessings on you

  4. Sri

    By god’s grace You did good things by sharing & spreading all these episodes with the intention of helping others and showing them the right path, can’t you do this little favor that I have asked Akhil? You have responded to so many queries patiently.

    Just open/click Episode 91 and Fast forward up to 14:35. The dialogues which I’m looking are at this time frame. Unfortunately I’m unable to understand the 5th one. Please help.

  5. Jayesh

    The episode 24 is incomplete. The part where they pray to Dharmraaj for son is not shown. Its 23 mins episode on hotstar but only 17 minutes here. Please check and let me know once updated.


  6. sampada

    Hey akhil plz help im not understanding the program
    Any other solution other dan dis…. Plzzz i want all draupadi episodes

  7. Yogesh Kumar Shukla

    A bunches of thanks to you friend.
    If possible tell me something about old Mahabharata & RAMAYANA where i can download original videos because very ow quality videos on youtube and not in sequence as you did.

  8. Deepak

    Hi Akhil,

    First of all, thanks a ton for this, I really dont have words since they have limits but this is beyond saying anything.

    Just one thing I want to clarify….I have downloaded around 100 episodes mannually.

    Is there a way I can start downloading from episode 101 automatically.

  9. Tanuj Senngupta

    Thnx for all the Mahabharat episodes, Akhil. Your unique way of using batch file programming is truly a remarkable way to save time and memory space. Also I loved all the games (Hitman,MW etc) u uploaded in piratebay under alias Averanted (maybe the wrong person bcoz I am not sure) in the same way. I truly admire your work and would love to learn the way you do it. Thnx Again for the episodes!!

  10. Sandeep

    Sir i want episode no. 32/40/48/56/64/72/80/88/96/104/112/120/128/136/144/152/160/168/176/184/192/200/208/216/224/232/240/248/256/264

  11. Yogend keQtii

    sir mujhe karn death wala episode chahiye jisme bhagwan krishna Aur karn ke beech sanwaad I mean communication hota hai

    aur vo shayad 280 episode ke antargat aata hai but mujhe vo link nhi mil raha jisse download kar saku
    plzz help me sir

  12. Jayesh

    I understand but even episode 92 is incomplete. Do you know of any contact in star media who can recheck. You’ve already done so much to help us. Please suggest how to go about further ?

  13. Yamini

    Thanx for sharing it.
    Had one doubt !
    Can’t this jar copy to our desired location? As it looks like it copies 50+ GB to C drive.
    Instead can’t it accept location as last parameter n copy files to that location? like external hard disk or other drive ?
    Thanks in advance.

  14. Yoghumisahu

    sir mujhe karn death wala episode ki talaash hai
    but vo episode yaha list se missing hai sir
    shayad episode no. 280 hai
    plzz sir vo link uplabdh karo

    thank you

  15. Hemant Kumar

    Dear Akhil,
    Congratulations first on grand success of your this page. I would like to Thank a ton for providing this links to watch my all time favorite show of Star Plus. May Lord Krishna Bless u with healthier and successful life. I was looking for all episodes at one place and voila….here i got ’em all. Thank you once again.
    Thank You 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Hemant,

      I am glad you could enjoy the videos. These are great videos for people of any ages, we have learnt a lot while watching them and wanted to share them with like minded souls 🙂

  16. Hemant Kumar

    Dear Akhil,
    Thank You very much for these links. I was searching all internet for whole series. But at “humdono’ i got all.
    thank a Ton 🙂 🙂 🙂

  17. Neeta Popat

    Hello Dear Akhil,

    I have been absolutely overjoyed and thrilled to watch the series of Mahabharata and Devo ke Dev….. Do you know if I can get these series with English sub-titles? My daughter in law is Caucasian and keen to learn about our culture and mythologies. It would be truly awesome to
    have the same with subtitles. Any idea if I can buy the series anywhere?

    Thanks Akhil,

  18. Siddharth

    Hey Akhil,

    After entering the command, it says “Unable to access jarfile (pathname) “…..could you help me out with this?

  19. dheana

    I’m download manually…but i can’t get all episode,some episode r lost…tell me how to gets other episode for download manual,especially episode 157…
    Please respon…thx

  20. Siddharth Malakar

    Hey Akhil,

    I am having a problem with executing the command…after entering the command it say’s “Unable to access jarfile (pathname)”. I have the latest version of java installed,still the problem is persisting. Can you help me with it??

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