Mahabharat Star Plus Krishna

Mahabharat (Star Plus) – All Episodes [1 – 267]

[UPDATE] New Download Utility skdmrk-df.jar v1.0 Dated: 07/01/2023

I have added 2 (two) set of links now, please try s1 first and if you see error then try s2

We have been watching the latest rendition of Mahabharat by Start Plus as well, and it’s pretty impressive to say the least. Finding HD links and downloading all the episodes was a not-so-simple process and knowing how beneficial it can be watching and learning from Mahabharat too, I thought of finding an easy way to track them and collate them. There are links available all over the internet for the episodes, I have updated my Java program to dynamically track these URL’s and allow you to access them 😉

You will need couple of tools to run this Java program:

  1. 7Zip – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.
  2. Java – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.

Process is pretty straight forward but if you need some guidance then you can use the steps below:

Step 1: Download file (Right Click on the Link and select “Save Link As”) from here or above. Once downloaded extract it to get single skdmrk-df.jar file.

7Zip Extract

Step 2: Open CMD window to run the Java program. Enter DOS prompt from START MENU or in Windows (SHIFT + Right Mouse Click) (see snapshot below), if on Linux/Mac (CTRL + ALT + T) then start Terminal.

Step 3: Once in the CMD window, execute the program based on the instructions as below:

Please see instructions as below:

  d : Download DKDM
  m : Download Mahabharat
 s1 : Download from Server # 1
 s2 : Download from Server # 2
  x : Download Episode # x
x-y : Download Episodes from x to y 

Usage Example:

Download all MB Episodes from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1
Download all MB Episodes from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 10
Download MB Episodes # 10 till 100 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10-100

Below you see the output if you don't specify any parameters:

Below command will download all episodes for MB from Server # 1. If you get an error, please try couple of times before switching to Server # 2.

Also, you may see the video below for step-by-step guide.

If you see any downloaded file with extension as .Z01, .Z02 and so on, then don’t worry, look for a file with same name but ending with .zip extension. Right click on it and select “Extract Here”, as below:

Download Size ~ 50+ GB

Disclaimer: None of the video are hosted by me, I have simply collated URLs for all videos available on the public domain and presented on this page. I am not responsible for the content and quality of these videos. Thanks.

154 videos
622 subscribers

There are 2,536 comments

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  1. manikanta bhogi

    i want to download all videos but i don`t know how to download it, i don`t know command language. please help to download these videos

  2. Bharat

    Hello Akhil! you really are amazing for uploading these episodes!! but please is there any chance they could have english subtitles please? I am trying to teach my kids about Hinduism and the Mahabharat.

  3. natasha

    Hi .. Can someone guide me how to do it on Mac … i tried the steps changing the jar to txt but i still get error cannot open access ..

    Thank You

  4. Vasant Hegde

    Hi Akhil,

    Sincere thanks for sharing Mahabharat series. I have been searching these videos from so many days. Thank you so much. May god bless you and heartily I wish you all the very best…

  5. Ketan Chavda

    I want all episodes of mahabharat but I can not download from this website..I dont know there is some problem with my Internet or system..I am from ahmedabad anybody who download all episodes is from ahmedabad please give contact details I copy from your laptop to my hard disk.
    It is easy way to download fast. I tried since last 6 months but I could not download mahabharat. I am Die hard friends of this mahabharat. Please help me….

  6. Adi

    Getting mahabharat and DKDM was absolutely wonderful. Cant thank you enough for it.
    I wanted to check if you could also get links for Siya ke Ram which is also on hotstar.

  7. Nishant

    Thank You So Much.. I Used To Download Earlier From YouTube But Suddenly They Stopped Uploading Videos In Hindi But In Malayalam.. Now I Found Here.. Thank You So Much.. 🙂

  8. kranthi

    Hi Akhil,

    I want to download all the episodes of Mahabharata(Star Plus) which was dubbed in telugu on (Maa tv), i was trying to download but i could’t them all at once. please help me if possible am looking for Telugu version. thank you

  9. rushikesh indorkar

    नमस्कार आपका मे आभारी हु ये आपने बहोत भला कार्य किया है भगवान आपका भला करे सर्वोत्कॄष्ठ है महाभारत आपको मेरा प्रणाम आपके अच्छे काम आपकी जिवन की सफलता की है

  10. Ketan Chavda

    I am getting below error :
    C:\Mahabharata>java -jar “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\df_MAHABHARAT\df.jar” “C:\\Us
    Downloading File:
    File Size = 347 mb
    File Name = Episode-1.mp4
    [ ]
    ERROR Downloading

    Internet working but above error display in CMD.

    I had tried many computer and laptops using broadband and Wi-fi but not worth.

    Please show me any other option…

    I can not download Single episode too. not complete download in single download.

  11. Pardeep Sehgal

    Jai Shree krishna kisi bhai ke paas Mahabharat ke saare episodes download kiye hue hai to please mujhe copy karne k liye de do net se download karne me kaafi din lag jaayege Amritsar me me rehta hu Contact no. 9914812394 agar kisi aur city me bhi ho to please mujhe ek baar call karke bata do.

  12. Raj

    Akhil Dude,
    This is awesome. Could not file anywhere but from you.
    Alternate way to download is to use “wget” GNU utility available for both Windows & Linux.
    You can use -i option and specify MAHABHARAT.txt file or prefix wget to each line in said file then save it as batch/sh file and just execute it.

    Thanks a million.

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Gayathri,

      I am afraid but you cannot pause the download. However, you can cancel the download and then restart from where you left but deleting the episodes from the .TXT file which already have been downloaded. I hope that helps.

  13. sushmita

    i am getting error like this
    java is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
    what am i gonna do?

  14. Virbhadra

    Look like mac users have great issue with this thing, I was trying to go around to get it work but no luck, as Akhil, you have hardcoded the destination folder in your script, no mac/linux user will be able to download it. If you go ahead and edit the destination path to”\home\..” that will work with all the users. Hope this helps.

  15. Nagamani

    Thanks a lot for downloading this. I cud not watch this since i was working when this was published on TV. I am watching it now.

  16. OlgaReeb

    Good day! Thank you for posting these, it’s really difficult to find the series online. But do you by any chance know if it’s possible to get the English translation or subtitles for the series? Thanks again!

  17. Ravi

    Akhil, thanks a million!. It took about 3 1/2 hours to download all episodes. I have a 25MB connection, for a good reason. I have been looking for this compilation for more that 3 years. Thanks again!

  18. Sailesh

    Hi Akhil,
    Thanks for providing this, can you please provide ancient aliens all hindi episodes also if you will do this I will be thankful to you.

  19. Gaurav kaushik

    Thank you so much Akhil bro for this all episode Mahabharata is a born to New thinking for men’s and women’s. . Ek baar fir se thank you so much. .


    Sir jo aap mahabharat ke episode upload kiye hai 1-267 tak kya ye camplate hai mean aadha adura to nahi hai na sir plz reply

  21. Raj

    Thank you so much for these videos. We don’t speak Hindi though – do you have links to a subtitled version please? Thanks,


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