Mahabharat Star Plus Krishna

Mahabharat (Star Plus) – All Episodes [1 – 267]

[UPDATE] New Download Utility skdmrk-df.jar v1.0 Dated: 07/01/2023

I have added 2 (two) set of links now, please try s1 first and if you see error then try s2

We have been watching the latest rendition of Mahabharat by Start Plus as well, and it’s pretty impressive to say the least. Finding HD links and downloading all the episodes was a not-so-simple process and knowing how beneficial it can be watching and learning from Mahabharat too, I thought of finding an easy way to track them and collate them. There are links available all over the internet for the episodes, I have updated my Java program to dynamically track these URL’s and allow you to access them 😉

You will need couple of tools to run this Java program:

  1. 7Zip – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.
  2. Java – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.

Process is pretty straight forward but if you need some guidance then you can use the steps below:

Step 1: Download file (Right Click on the Link and select “Save Link As”) from here or above. Once downloaded extract it to get single skdmrk-df.jar file.

7Zip Extract

Step 2: Open CMD window to run the Java program. Enter DOS prompt from START MENU or in Windows (SHIFT + Right Mouse Click) (see snapshot below), if on Linux/Mac (CTRL + ALT + T) then start Terminal.

Step 3: Once in the CMD window, execute the program based on the instructions as below:

Please see instructions as below:

  d : Download DKDM
  m : Download Mahabharat
 s1 : Download from Server # 1
 s2 : Download from Server # 2
  x : Download Episode # x
x-y : Download Episodes from x to y 

Usage Example:

Download all MB Episodes from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1
Download all MB Episodes from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 10
Download MB Episodes # 10 till 100 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10-100

Below you see the output if you don't specify any parameters:

Below command will download all episodes for MB from Server # 1. If you get an error, please try couple of times before switching to Server # 2.

Also, you may see the video below for step-by-step guide.

If you see any downloaded file with extension as .Z01, .Z02 and so on, then don’t worry, look for a file with same name but ending with .zip extension. Right click on it and select “Extract Here”, as below:

Download Size ~ 50+ GB

Disclaimer: None of the video are hosted by me, I have simply collated URLs for all videos available on the public domain and presented on this page. I am not responsible for the content and quality of these videos. Thanks.

154 videos
622 subscribers

There are 2,536 comments

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  1. Milan

    thank you..
    its a grate job…
    its important to our next generation to know about our grate history

    such a i luv….(as a brother (:

  2. gajanan

    when command runs it says download complete but no file is downloaded there, in mahabharat folder there comes all files but their size is only 2 mb ,what should i do…

  3. shrirang

    I am watching 120 Episode, it’s awesome .

    i want to download next episodes ,i had download and extract in f drive and run CMD , enter path of F drive \java.jar

    windows give me massage can;t find class jar

    Please help me.

  4. ridhi

    Hi Akhil,
    m having problems downloading individual episodes through idm, the server says i don’t have permission..!
    Please help me n asap, coz i want these episodes badly..!!

  5. Alkesh

    Dear Akhil,

    Thanks for doing such a great work, now my parents and kids can enjoy watching without any commercial.
    Beautiful work and great quality of videos. My 6 year old daughter set her routine to turn on computer pair it with TV and she got all control to select new episode.

    God bless your skill

  6. nina

    where are all the mahabharat episode from 1 to 267?
    are they are gone for all the time?
    are you putting them back one?
    would you please?
    please put them back one at least the last 10 episode
    from 257 to 267

  7. Pawan Rai

    Hello Sir,i have downloaded 154 episodes but now the manual links r removed so how can i download remaining episodes?? please provide me the links

  8. naveen

    Akhil ji..i see your not that you have removed all the episodes due to complaint from STar plus..
    Any option of loading it back or pointers where i can get it..
    and Thanks for uploading these episodes..

  9. Arjun


    mahabharat ke episodes ke url remove kr diye kya aap logo ne…..ab mai kaise dekhu mahabharat so please upload all episodes url on website.

  10. Kishan

    Hi I have been watching mahabharat on this site that was episode by episode i did watch series upto 139 i was bit busy last week and today i open the site to continue but i cannot find any source available any more please can you help me getting rest of episodes. Thank you for sharing this all episodes online i really appreciate your work.

  11. christina

    Hi I wanted to know if you have another link for these episodes since they have been removed. I desperately want to watch the episodes

  12. Krishna

    I am getting the below error

    Error: Unable to access jarfile

    Can you pls help me out.

    Also can you bring back the manual link….


  13. Kiran

    You have removed all the links so I cannot download any episode
    But I downloaded file , it showed that there is no app available to download
    So what should I do?

  14. christina

    Hi thank you so much for telling us how to download the file that has all the episode links since the website removed them. So since we have all the links in the text file that means it can’t be removed in the future like how it was removed on the website right??? Also I’m hoping they release the DVD soon because I want to buy it so bad. I live in America

  15. Abhishek

    Sir plz….manual link dijiye…maine 204 episodes kr liye the…uske baad aapne manual link nhi diye….sir b maise kaise kru download…..itna data nhi h ki dobara 51 gb ek saath kru…..sir plz help kijiye

  16. from_mathura

    and this is your dharma, and star plus’ karma, swastika production’s greatest creation,, so thankful to whole mahabharata team for justifying the saga .,, thanx to akhil too from my family and 3 other family,

  17. christina

    I did step 1 but I don’t know how to extract the file. Can you please tell me how to extract the file and I just wanted to know will it take up a lot of computer space and downloading these won’t affect the computer in no way right? It’s safe?

  18. christina

    When I did step 1 and I clicked on the file df.jar it says what app do i want to open it with? If you can help me with this I will greatly appreciate it

    • Akhil Pathania

      After you unzip file, you get the df.jar file. You dont need to unzip it further. Just follow the steps i.e. run the command as shown in the snapshots 🙂

      Let me know if you still face any issue..

  19. Aditya Chauhan

    O My God …where the all episodes links are gone…i had sea since 1 week ago…. o such a shocking incident… i saw my fav. episodes here…uff

  20. payal

    Could you please tell me where I can watch these episodes now that they have been removed? Or can you tell me where I can buy it ? Also could you email me the links? Thank u for ur help

  21. Abhijit Biswas

    Hi Akhil,
    I was watching it online everyday and by now I am on the episode no 161. But suddenly the links are removed and unfortunately I am not able to download it. When I am trying the above stated steps, its saying access is denied. Please help me out.

  22. Raju

    Hi Akhil
    Great full that was able to watch this serial but couldn’t finish watching it
    Wanted to watch from 200 till the end as the links have been removed understand due to the complaint.
    out of curiosity is there any way I can get those to watch it ?
    Thanks Raju

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