Mahabharat Star Plus Krishna

Mahabharat (Star Plus) – All Episodes [1 – 267]

[UPDATE] New Download Utility skdmrk-df.jar v1.0 Dated: 07/01/2023

I have added 2 (two) set of links now, please try s1 first and if you see error then try s2

We have been watching the latest rendition of Mahabharat by Start Plus as well, and it’s pretty impressive to say the least. Finding HD links and downloading all the episodes was a not-so-simple process and knowing how beneficial it can be watching and learning from Mahabharat too, I thought of finding an easy way to track them and collate them. There are links available all over the internet for the episodes, I have updated my Java program to dynamically track these URL’s and allow you to access them 😉

You will need couple of tools to run this Java program:

  1. 7Zip – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.
  2. Java – Please see the video below to see how you can download and install it. Click here to download the software.

Process is pretty straight forward but if you need some guidance then you can use the steps below:

Step 1: Download file (Right Click on the Link and select “Save Link As”) from here or above. Once downloaded extract it to get single skdmrk-df.jar file.

7Zip Extract

Step 2: Open CMD window to run the Java program. Enter DOS prompt from START MENU or in Windows (SHIFT + Right Mouse Click) (see snapshot below), if on Linux/Mac (CTRL + ALT + T) then start Terminal.

Step 3: Once in the CMD window, execute the program based on the instructions as below:

Please see instructions as below:

  d : Download DKDM
  m : Download Mahabharat
 s1 : Download from Server # 1
 s2 : Download from Server # 2
  x : Download Episode # x
x-y : Download Episodes from x to y 

Usage Example:

Download all MB Episodes from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1
Download all MB Episodes from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10
Download MB Episode # 10 from Server # 2: java -jar df.jar m s2 10
Download MB Episodes # 10 till 100 from Server # 1: java -jar df.jar m s1 10-100

Below you see the output if you don't specify any parameters:

Below command will download all episodes for MB from Server # 1. If you get an error, please try couple of times before switching to Server # 2.

Also, you may see the video below for step-by-step guide.

If you see any downloaded file with extension as .Z01, .Z02 and so on, then don’t worry, look for a file with same name but ending with .zip extension. Right click on it and select “Extract Here”, as below:

Download Size ~ 50+ GB

Disclaimer: None of the video are hosted by me, I have simply collated URLs for all videos available on the public domain and presented on this page. I am not responsible for the content and quality of these videos. Thanks.

154 videos
622 subscribers

There are 2,536 comments

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  1. Vaibhav

    Hey Akhil.. all phase of downloading is done by me in cmd but when it show start downloading. an error occur n this is the error
    ERROR Dpwnloading http:??

  2. Sanchari Sur


    To begin with Thanks a million for these videos! My son loooooooves them and so do I!

    Tell me something…I might not be able to keep my machine on for as it takes to download all the videos. If the download stops midway, since I might have to shut down my machine, will it again start from Episode 1?

    How do I handle this?


    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Sanchari,

      You are welcome 🙂
      Yes, it will restart from 1 but you can edit the .txt file. Delete all the episodes links that you have already downloaded from the .txt file and restart the process 🙂

  3. ravi

    hey there. thank you for your hard work.
    somehow I am not able to see any episodes online. can you check that what is going on without manual download?
    thank you

  4. Ketan

    Hi Akhil,

    Thanks for the putting these videos here! i have trying to download these episodes but i am getting the following error msg.

    C:\Users\pca>java -jar “D:\Mahabharat\df.jar” “D:\Mahabharat\MAHABHARAT.txt
    Downloading File:
    File Size = 347 mb
    File Name = Episode-1.mp4
    [ ]
    ERROR Downloading

    Please help me resolve this.
    Many thanks

  5. Rahul

    Sir I cannot believe that now I can’t see any episode as you have removed all the links . I clicked on so it didn’t worked

  6. Simon John

    Hi dear. I have been searching them for a long time but can’t get any link. 3 week ago, I got lucky and finally got this dont know what a big fan of Mahabharat,,, I can’t get the link, and it’s very complicated, and I’m not good user of “IT” (or computer) ,, that’ why I cant download Mahabharat. Plz can you help me

  7. Nishant

    Please Provide Independent Episodes.. I Have Downloaded Till Episode 102.. Now Content Is Available In ZIP File.. Please Provide As It Was Earlier.. Otherwise Downloading ZIP Content Will Be Of More Than 50 GB And My Old Data Will Be Of No Use For Which I Have Wasted Lots Of GBs..

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Nishant,

      Zip file is only few KB’s. I had to remove the links due to Star Plus complaint. You can still access all links. Just download, unzip the file and you will have all links in the .txt file 🙂

  8. om

    one day i search that all mahabharat episode in internet there is one think that i like that which episode you want to see you click the number and see e.g in 84 episode drapadi birth where is it i no that the numbers is there but now there is not. in this page is comments of u and peoples where is it i want the page that which episodes u want to see u can see without downloading all episode in internet in Hindi .

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Om,

      I had to take down all the links based on Star Plus complaint. You can still access all links. Just download, unzip the file and you will have all links in the .txt file 🙂

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Om,

      I had to take down all the links based on Star Plus complaint. You can still access all links. Just download, unzip the file and you will have all links in the .txt file 🙂

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Dinesh,

      I didnt want to but Star Plus complained and i had to. However, you can still access all links. Just download, unzip the file and you will have all links in the .txt file 🙂

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Rahul,

      Are you facing this issue while downloading automatically? Try with manual links. Download the (only 2-3 kb) file, extract it and you will find all links in the .txt file 🙂

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Ajay,

      What is the ERROR you are getting. Try accessing the episode manually from the links. Download the (only 2-3 kb) file, extract it and you will find all links in the .txt file 🙂

  9. Sadena

    Dear Sir,
    we are from Holland en we werewatching episode 176 before the links were removed.
    could you help us with links so we can watch the other 90 episodes?
    Please help us…

    Namaste from Holland!

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Sadena,

      Namastey to you as well. I had to remove the links because of DMCA complaint. However, download the (only 2-3 kb) file, extract it and you will find all links in the .txt file 🙂


    Dear akhil pathania
    I’m waiting to your new advice download for mahabharat in hindi.

    Please guide me.


    Thanks for
    mayapuri new Delhi-64
    MO- 8744885363

    • Akhil Pathania

      Hi Ram,

      You can download the whole episodes by following the on screen instructions. However if you are looking for manual links, then download the (only 2-3 kb) file, extract it and you will find all links in the .txt file 🙂

  11. sawan

    Hi i downlode 198 episode mannualy by my phn . bt now ur site humdono star plus mahabharat 1 to 267 episode not showing d list only show comments of people . i dnt how to downlod after 198 episode . pls help me krishma wil bless u bhai . i dnt ablr to find list of episode so dt i fn download mannualy easily.

  12. Ananya

    Hey there! The manual links you had up until now were extremely helpful in viewing the videos, and my passion for this series was rekindled thanks to you. However, you have removed the links now due to the complaint of Star Plus, and my computer is not able to download the file as 50 GB is too much. Is there any way I can continue watching the series? Perhaps you can email the manual links to me? Thanks!

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